Going Rural: Preparing for Your Countryside Move

Thinking of going rural? Swapping up city life for a new chapter in the countryside is a big decision. With the proper planning and considerations, making the move can be a seamless transition. If owning your own corner of paradise has always been your dream – then the country is the ideal location for you to live. But how can you get ready for your move?

Local Amenities

You might need to drive further for essentials. Countrysides rarely have large scale supermarkets and instead usually have a smaller village shop. There’s also very little chance of everyone’s favourite delivery app being available at your address. You’re almost never more than a twenty minute drive from one of the big name supermarkets, so no need to worry about the bread, milk, and eggs. It’s essential to support local businesses when living in the country. Making sure your village shop or butchers stays open will massively benefit you. You’ll also discover charming farmers’ markets with fresh produce, or a cosy countryside pub that quickly becomes your favourite spot. Embrace these changes. Exploring the countryside is a rewarding experience with lots of hidden gems.

Older Buildings

Moving to the countryside might mean living in an older house with some quirks. It’ll also likely need some repairs if it’s an old farm building. Make sure to do your research and get a thorough home survey before buying. If you’re buying a converted farmhouse, we’d recommend the highest level survey. These are a worthwhile investment. You may also want to get your hands dirty yourself and learn what’s needed with maintaining an older property, for example replacing radiators and maybe repointing bricks. Some jobs are a bit trickier than others, older buildings aren’t usually connected to the mains. They require an external fuel which is usually stored in underground bunded oil tanks. These are usually refilled by a local company. Oil fed central heating systems are more affordable in rural settings. Connecting to mains can be a costly process.

Community Involvement

Unlike the anonymity of large scale cities, rural areas often have close-knit communities. Talking and engaging with neighbours, participating in local activities can help you settle in quickly. Look out for village fairs, local sports teams, community clubs and most importantly a lovely village pub as a way to meet people and make new friends. It can also be a great opportunity to get involved and contribute to your new community. Joining local social media groups or participating in community events helps keep you informed about local happenings and initiatives. Being a pillar of your local community will enhance your new lifestyle and give you a sense of belonging.

Internet and Connectivity

It’s a given that the internet is going to be slower than a major city centre. Research the available internet service providers in your new area. High speed internet is quickly becoming available across most of rural England. The brainchild of Elon Musk, StarLink, can also be taken advantage of in some cases. Be wary of the price though. In some places, satellite internet or wireless broadband might be the best solutions. If you’re working from home, this should be one of your key considerations and you should do plenty of research to make sure it’s possible.


Countryside transportation will likely become a more significant factor in your daily life. Public transport will be limited, which will force you to own a vehicle of your own for essentials like shopping. You’ll quickly get to grips with the nuances of country roads and learn them like the back of your hand in no time. If you do need to make a journey, they’ll almost certainly be taxis that cover your new areas, just make sure to get an idea of price beforehand. Most trips to the airport will have a flat rate given to you by the taxi rank.

Healthcare Access

Rural areas might not have as many facilities or specialists. Make sure you know to register at your local GP surgery and dentist as soon as possible. Knowing helpful emergency numbers can also be really beneficial as you may have a callout doctor available for elderly patients. Whilst on the topic of emergencies, apps like WhatThreeWords can pinpoint your exact location anywhere in the world. Emergency services use these apps and will use them to locate you or anyone in need of treatment or rescue.

To wrap up, country living comes with its nuances and quirks. If you can deal with these and embrace the challenge, then you’ll thrive in the country. Good luck with the move and remember to come back and read these tips to help with the transition.

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